Finding your primal self

Too many men today are struggling with self-defeating thoughts about their masculinity. Most of us are victims of the commonalities of everyday life; worldly, repetitive and extremely lazy. Our society is highly dependent on technology, and many of us have lost touch with that primal, animal-like being within us; our inner man. It doesn’t really matter how we lost contact with him, just that I have lost contact with him. We are the average man of our time. I am here to break your primal self and get in touch with your roots as a man.

1. Get out of your house now – I don’t care if it’s hot, cold, wet or dry – get out. Part of being a man is being in touch with your masculinity, and this involves being in nature. Society has parks for us that I call civilized forests, so why not deviate a bit from the path? The goal of being in nature is to allow yourself to be at the mercy of the world. Not the mercy of the man-made world you live in from day to day, but the world itself! Nature, weather, cuts and bruises.

Whether or not you prefer to hike an uninhabited mountain range for 100 miles in each direction, or a bit off the trail at your local park, just get out there and learn to love and become one with nature. If you’re more of a hiker that’s fine too, just get out there and feel what it’s like to be alone with nature. Our ancestors were travelers, and they risked their lives and limbs traveling through nature with nothing more than their backpack on their back and all the belongings they could carry. Why not try it yourself? Of course, you have a home to return to, but that is beside the point.

2. Put down your crutches, be it alcohol, caffeine, television, computers, food, cigarettes, whatever, it doesn’t matter, put it down for a while and feel what it feels like to need. Once you get your craving, it’s time to transmute it into something productive. This will empower you and allow you to realize that you don’t need material or substance to make you happy or feel normal. Then you will begin to realize that your crutches were preventing you from becoming the man you should be. You must be face to face with your life, you must face it and approach it moment by moment. Put down your crutches and walk against the wind. It is time to face your life, and it is time to accept that it is the only life you have, and you must attack it with all your might and with a full sense of yourself. You are a man with life, you are a man who faces his life and takes control. Get rid of your crutches.

3. Do something you always wanted to do, but were always afraid to do. It is time to break the barrier of fear now. Think of something you’ve always wanted to do and do it. Be realistic here, but also be real with your wishes and desires as a man. Whether it’s building a house or skydiving; has to. Discover that fear is your friend and discover that you can handle much more than a “fear” that exists only in your mind. Fear is your friend. Live in it constantly and learn to radiate your masculinity in your fear. I don’t mean to sleep in the fear of a graveyard (unless that’s something you’ve always wanted to do), I mean to go out and do something that you’ve been holding back for this or that. Life is happening right now, so it must happen with it.

4. Live for yourself and follow your wishes. You cannot be a man without having a purpose. Men are determined creatures and they always have something new that they want or need to achieve. You must realize your dreams and start heading towards them right away. What’s stopping you? Live for something and put your wishes first. Don’t let your life get loaded with your desires, and remember to take care of whatever it is that you need to take care of in real life, but for now, find out what you want and make your changes starting right now. Do not leave your desires in the background, you will never grow and you will always have that unsatisfied craving.

5. Strive for Yourself – Step outside the box. Feel what it’s like to do something you don’t normally do. Take a chance and start taking risks. Be smart about your choices, but also have balls. Life is never given to you, and you know it because you are reading this right now. So instead of waiting for this or that, go out there and do what you have to do right now, risky or not. Go do it!

6. Patience, respect, productivity: all these are principles that I follow as a man, they are my code and they are my friend. These are only part of my code, but they are key to my daily life. Patience is obvious, you must see that patience is really a virtue and value that virtue. You must see that respect is more than something you earn, but something you give. You must see that productivity is the key to life and it will lead you to much more than you can imagine now: stop giving half of yourself to your job, your wife, your family, your life and start giving everything. When you practice these three basic principles, you will lead a fuller life.

7. Know your life – someday it will end. Know this every day, and you will begin to see that the decisions you make on a daily basis will eventually lead to your death. This is for everyone, good or bad choices, we all die. The sooner you can overcome your fear of death, the sooner you can begin to live your life fully. Be a man and know that one day it will end.

8. Bite the bullet, when necessary. Remember that whenever you have to do those things that you hate doing, or have to do, it is better to do them with full presence and productivity than in a slum and wish you could do something else. Because accept it, you are not. This goes hand in hand with facing your life as it is. Life is what it is, and you know it now, accept it.

9. Sweating and bleeding: These are two things that many of us avoid. Time to get out there and break a little, get dirty and make waves. Go out to sweat, bleed and push your physical body strong and far, and you should know that your strength is more in your mind than in your body. When you can push your physical body further than you thought, you have achieved more than 90% of people. Nobody tries harder these days, be a man and push.

10. Love your wife: one of the most effective ways to feel more of a man than ever is to love your woman, who is always so feminine. The more you see the difference between you and her, the more your masculinity will show. Don’t fight your wife, don’t get lost in her waves of emotion and love. Be a man and guide her, show her that you can handle her and you can handle life. She will love you more for this, and she will also feel more feminine, which the woman surely loves. Make your woman feel like a woman and be a man! Stop agreeing when you disagree, stop being a push. Take your position and follow what you say. You know what I say when you let your wife wear the pants, you can feel it. You feel less masculine because you have given up your power. This does not mean that you own your woman or that you are always right or in charge, but when you need to be a man, you have to step up and be a man. Your woman will feel this, love you and trust you more. Stop doing what she says just to make her happy so she stops yelling at you, do it because she is your woman and you love your woman.

These are my first tips to be a man. Many people have their own ideas about what it is to be a man, this is mine. If you follow these principles, you will soon see a more masculine being emerge; your inner man.


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