Symptoms of parasite extinction

Parasites can affect the human body, leaving the individual in a state of severe and chronic fatigue. They can also contribute to digestive disorders, eating disorders, and headaches. In severe cases, parasites can also lead to other serious illnesses and / or death. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the parasites from the body, so that the symptoms can be reduced and eventually eliminated. But doing so can also have its own set of symptoms, which are often called parasite death symptoms.

The symptoms of parasite death are usually the same as those caused by parasites that are alive and healthy. However, the symptoms of death may in some cases be more severe or may be entirely new.


Fatigue is one of the parasite death symptoms that is present before death begins and tends to get worse once the parasites are gone. This is due to the fact that the body has to direct all its energy towards eliminating the parasites and therefore has no energy left for anything else.

General aches and pains

The aches and pains are often present throughout the body, as the parasites become angry and restless, knowing that they have to leave the body. Therefore, the pain is due to moving around trying to find a way out of the body. Naturally, the more parasites that are forced to leave, the worse the extinction symptoms will be.

Tingling sensations within the body and skin

In many cases, one can feel parasites moving around within the body as they desperately try to run for safety before being forced to die. Tingling sensations can be felt under the skin, head, and within the digestive tract.

Skin sores

When parasites are forced to leave the body at a rapid rate, they are sometimes released through the skin. This can result in an itchy rash anywhere on the body where it is forced to go, and it cannot go away quickly enough by other means.


Headaches are a common sign that parasites are being forced out of the body as it causes them to move around inside the head. The pain can be limited to a certain area or it can be generalized. In some cases, one may feel a painful sensation when the parasites pass through the eyes and ears. They can also contribute to sinus pressure as they move in that area.

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