5 easy ways to help convince new customers to buy from you

As a newcomer to internet marketing, one of the hardest things to do is convince strangers to buy from you.

It doesn’t matter how great your product is and how convinced you are that it will help your customers. It will all come to nothing if you can’t convince them to click the “BUY” button.

People in general are afraid to buy something from someone they are not familiar with. Even if they like what you offer and are convinced that it is what they want and need, there is something inside that prevents them from making the purchase.

It’s your job as a marketer to help allay your fears and make the decision to buy from you as easy as possible. Here are five things you can do to help them make that decision:

1. Offer a “NO RISK” guarantee
One of the best ways to convince potential customers to buy from you is by offering them a RISK FREE guarantee. This tried and tested method has been used long before internet marketing existed.

You tell your customer that you are so confident in your product and how useful it will be, that you are willing to let them use it RISK FREE for X amount of time and if you don’t think it is right for them, you can come back. for a full refund.

If you are running a membership site, a variation on this is to offer a free or discounted rate for a certain period of time. For example, your first week free and then $ 27 a month thereafter.

If you offer the warranty risk-free, you should NEVER try to avoid honoring it when prompted. This must be set in stone. If someone requests the return of their money within the stipulated period, they should not hesitate to return the money.

Remember to base your business on honesty from the beginning.

2. Customer testimonials
Testimonials are great, they tell your potential customers that someone not only took the opportunity to buy from you, but that they were so happy with your product that they wanted to let you know how pleased they were. This is important because, in general, people will believe what other customers have to say about your product than what you say yourself. Good testimonials can be one of your best assets when it comes to getting potential customers to buy your product.

As time goes on, people will start sending you their thoughts without asking. However, when you first start selling products, it may be a good idea to follow up on a sale after a few days with an email asking your customer what they think.

Since the above honesty is the best policy, never be tempted to use fabricated testimonials.

3. Provide a case study
A case study is a great way to let your potential customer know what to expect if they buy your product. In a case study, you briefly describe how the product you sell benefited someone who used it before.

For example, if you sell a product on how to play the guitar. I could tell you how ‘Peter’, a guy with no musical experience whatsoever, was playing tunes on his guitar after just a week of using your product.

This gives your reader / viewer an opportunity to visualize what they could do if they bought your product.

4. Offer them quality free content
By offering your customers FREE content that is not only high-quality, but also useful and related to your product, you will increase your chances of making more sales.

Ultimately, it helps your potential customer decide to buy from you. They will think to themselves: “If you give away something of this quality for free, how good must the paid content be?”

5. Make them feel good!
When a potential customer reads your sales page, they will have many lingering doubts running through their minds. It is your job as a marketer to try to reduce these doubts to a minimum so that they can click the buy button. One of the best ways to do this is to make them feel good about themselves.

Let them feel that by purchasing your product they are among a select few who are willing to act.

For example, if you sell a business opportunity, you might say something like “We all dream of breaking the 9-5 routine at some point, but only a few have the courage to do something about it. “

This kind of thing builds their self-esteem and tells them that they are a minority who will have the courage to seize the opportunity that is presented to them.

By incorporating the above 5 points into your marketing, you have a much better chance of convincing new customers to trust you as a marketer.

As a result of this, your potential customers are more likely to click on that ‘Buy Button’

Do you have any tips that you use to help convince new customers to buy from you?

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