Anatomy of a grass plant

It has taken millions of years for the grass plant to reach the stage it is at now. In early times, grazing herbivores used it as a main food source. Grass plants that grew close to the ground and developed crowns survived and flourished. Today’s grass has evolved from these early survivors. Almost all homeowners enjoy their gardens. Very few of us actually take the time to examine weed up close, doing so would surprise us at its complexity and characteristics.

The primary growth on a grass plant grows from a ground-hugging point known as the crown. By cutting at a height above the crown, you ensure the survival of the plants. Many times during a spring cleaning, equipment will damage the crown, causing devastating results if the damage occurs during active growth. Shoots and roots originate from the crown. The plant uses the root system to hold it in place, as well as being the primary means of acquiring nutrients and water from the soil. By growing leaves and stems above the ground, the plant absorbs sunlight and carbon dioxide in a process known as photosynthesis. The first thing that appears from the crown is the primary bud. It produces a leaf and a stem. Each leaf has a blade and a sheath. The sheath wraps around the leaf to protect it, while the leaf continues to grow upward. The place where the blade and sheath meet is known as the collar. Inside the collar is a ring of hairs known as ligules. Ear-shaped lobes known as auricles are located at the end of the ligule. Grass identification uses the different sizes and shapes of auricles and ligules to categorize individual grass cultivars.

The additional shoots that originate from the crown are known as suckers. Cultivators help make your lawn thick and lush. By fostering a thick, lush lawn, you go a long way toward stopping weed growth, insect infestation, and damage from lawn diseases. Kentucky Bluegrass, which is a common crop in our area, is propagated by underground creeping stems known as rhizomes. As the rhizome continues to grow, it will create additional plants that will be able to support themselves by producing their own roots and shoots. By taking the time to understand the basic structures of your lawn and how different types of grass reproduce, you’ll be on your way to creating a lush, weed-free lawn.

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