
Not everyone wants to be a competitive bodybuilder, but we all want to be as fit and healthy as possible. The normal dietary needs of an active person; someone who has a regular exercise regimen gets about twenty percent of calories from protein, forty percent from complex carbohydrates (as opposed to simple carbohydrates like starches and sugars), and the rest from fats and the fibers. A serious bodybuilder could increase the protein to over twenty-five percent with corresponding fewer carbohydrates.

Muscles are built by eating a large amount of protein and exercising frequently and vigorously. In order to exercise, we have to have energy, so a list of the best foods for building muscle will include some complex carbohydrates and natural unrefined sugars, such as those found in fruits.

Slower-digesting carbohydrates take longer to break down into energy, so they don’t spike blood sugar or increase insulin requirements. Because they enter our bloodstream slowly, these carbohydrates produce fewer fat-forming enzymes and hormones. Quickly digesting carbohydrates, such as refined starches and sugars, will spike your blood sugar and dissipate very quickly. They will make you fat and their impact on your energy is very brief.

Listed below are some foods that contribute to muscle development:

Buckwheat Noodles – Japanese soba is a common form of buckwheat noodle. These can be used as a base for a dish or mixed into a salad or with vegetables and meat as a main course. These noodles are very low in calories and contain almost zero fat.

Lean ground beef: the leaner, the better. Beef has good protein, iron, zinc, creatine, and B vitamins. Lean ground beef can be eaten as a meat patty or as an ingredient in a variety of dishes. Think of a good American hamburger without a bun.

Broccoli – This excellent green vegetable is loaded with cancer-fighting phytochemicals, fiber, and indoles. The latter is a natural compound that works against estrogen and makes the body less prone to storing body fat.

Fat-Free Cottage Cheese – Contains all the benefits of whey and casein protein powders at a much lower cost than these supplements. It can be easily seasoned with soy sauce, hot sauce, garlic, ground ginger, and fresh chives to make a delicious side dish or midday snack. Fresh fruit is also a good complement to cottage cheese, but stay away from canned fruit in heavy syrup.

Canned tuna, salmon or sardines: these oily fish are a bodybuilding staple. Loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids and usable protein, canned fish is easy to store and use. They can be eaten out of the can or used in salads and other recipes. Tuna mixed with chopped boiled eggs, onion, a dash of garlic powder, and a touch of low-fat mayonnaise makes a great lunch or snack.

Turkey Breast – Turkey breast is high in protein, low in fat, and has no carbohydrates. Turkey, particularly the white meat, is the leanest source of protein you can buy. Bodybuilders of old ate a lot of turkey.

Oats – Another slow digesting carbohydrate. Oatmeal is a good pre-workout snack because it provides energy slowly and stabilizes blood sugar without spiking. Cooked and mixed with a little protein powder or cottage cheese, it makes a great meal or snack.

Lean Beef – A nice, well-trimmed piece of lean steak looks good anytime. A small piece makes a great snack or a larger piece for a main dish. Steak provides many essential proteins and fats. Other cuts of beef provide a great source of protein; beef roasts, smoked brisket, extra-lean ground beef (strip or round), beef ribs, short ribs, and flank steak.

Pork Loin – Another low-fat meat that is both tender and very flavorful. Pork loin can be prepared in a variety of ways, from skewers to chops to stir-fries. Pork ribs are famous for their tenderness and flavor.

Chicken Breast – Not as fat-free as turkey, chicken still fits the bill as a muscle-building food because it’s high in protein. Without skin, it is also low in fat. It is a very versatile meat and can be cooked in almost any way.

Sprouted Grain Breads – Much easier to digest than processed grain flours, sprouted grains provide slow-acting carbohydrates, zero fat, and some usable protein. Some of the breads are also quite tasty. If you only have to eat a sandwich, use sprouted grain breads. Most supermarkets have them, but they’re in the frozen department because they don’t have condoms. Specialized and natural food stores also have them.

Eggs: they are very rich in protein and essential fats. Once thought to be nature’s near-perfect food, eggs fell out of favor as low-fat advocates began to gain the upper hand. Most nutritionists now acknowledge that the low-fat fad is partly responsible for the obesity epidemic, and that eggs are once again a good-for-you food. Hard-boiled eggs make great mid-afternoon snacks.

Included in your diet should be foods that stimulate your metabolism. Foods high in fiber and protein should be the mainstay of your diet, but other natural metabolism boosters include: chili peppers, mustard, green tea, and water.

Citrus and other fruits that are high in vitamin C will dilute fats and help eliminate them from your body. Limes, lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and guavas are on this list. The pectin in apples restricts the cells’ ability to absorb fat from food. Pectin also stimulates the absorption of water from food, which helps to release fat stores from the body.

Researchers have reported that the calcium in dairy products such as whole milk, yogurt, and cheese may act as a fat burner by increasing the breakdown of fat in cells. Calcium supplements don’t work as well as the real thing, so get your own from nature, dairy.

Your body needs energy to sustain those intense workouts, so carb calories, just like protein, will have to stoke your furnace. Here’s a list of foods that will boost your energy levels throughout the day (and night):

• Oats – A great breakfast or mid-morning snack. Oats are high in fiber and low on the glycemic index. You get a rush of energy that lasts for a long time, rather than a quick spike.

• Coffee – The second most popular drink in the US Caffeine is what gives you the boost. One to two cups is the recommended dosage, as more will backfire, often producing mild withdrawal symptoms and fatigue.

• Lentils, Navy Beans, Chickpeas and Kidney Beans – These vegetables provide good carbohydrates and protein and are a great source of fiber. They are low in fat and calories. If your metabolism isn’t used to beans, start with a small serving to avoid flatulence.

• Water – Your body needs water to generate energy by allowing digestion and absorption of nutrients. When you’re dehydrated, your cells are less efficient at processing nutrients for energy.

• Bananas – Natural, easily digestible sugars. They also provide potassium that helps maintain nerve and muscle function. Other fruits are also good energy-boosting snacks; apples, grapes, peaches and pineapples.

• Sardines – These little fish are loaded with the amino acid tyrosine. When ingested, it helps your brain make “superior” chemicals that give you better brain function.

• Chocolate: Semi-sweet varieties can help increase energy with their sugars, but they also improve anemia, aid digestion, and increase sexual appetite. The last feature can help you stay alert.

• Steak: carnivores will love it. Red meat has the most easily absorbed iron, an element necessary for good cell function. Skip that Big Mac though and go for a small sirloin and a nice side salad.

• Healthy Fats – from almonds, avocados, seeds and nuts. Good fats provide essential fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6) that will produce an alert mental state.

• Yogurt – Magnesium-rich yogurt can provide an energy boost. Magnesium activates enzymes that help metabolize proteins and carbohydrates. Other low-fat dairy products are good; cheeses, cottage cheese, skimmed milk and kefir.

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