Facebook: What Teens, Kids, and Parents Need to Know

If you use a computer on a regular basis, by now you have found yourself in the latest craze for connecting with others: Facebook, one of the fastest growing social networks. This article will describe what teens and children, or their parents, need to be aware of.

Can I join?

If you are thirteen or older and have a valid email address, you can join. By joining, you agree to their terms and conditions. The company can and can delete your profile, along with all its content, if it believes that you are under thirteen years old.

What should i share?

Facebook is a great way to connect with friends and keep up with what they are doing and thinking. Remember that everything you share is public and your friends can share it with anyone they know. Imagine that anything you post, be it a status update, a photo, or a video, would be posted on the school bulletin board; if you agree with this and its effect then it should be safe to post it.

Where do I go how?

Remember that every time you post to someone’s wall, everyone else can see it, similar to your status update. Also, when you change your personal data, for example your relationship status, all your friends will know at once. If you prefer to comment on something without everyone knowing, you should send a private message to that person.

Who looks at my profile?

Depending on your privacy settings, everyone, your network, or only your friends can see your profile. Keep in mind that people can search for you on the Internet and find information about you, including your parents and teachers. This means that you want to be aware of what you post, for example why you did not go to school, because even if your teacher is not connected with you, your friends could be and, if they respond, someone could read it that they are. he didn’t pretend to know.

Good to know for parents

Facebook is a good way to find out what your kids and teens, including their friends, are doing and thinking these days. However, if you stalk them or take too much advantage of their personal affairs, they may “ forsake ” you or exclude you from their posts. The same applies as in real life: give them their space, offer your support, be interested in what they are doing but not curious to know everything.

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