Funny or not: our growing obsession with memes and GIFs to communicate

Netizens are constantly yearning for a new obsession, and these sarcastic, animated images have certainly become an integral part of our culture. An image is said to speak louder than a thousand words, and companies are using these visual assets as various forms of communication in social media marketing, newsletters, or blog posts. It is being adopted as a perfectly acceptable mode of communication for brands, political leaders, official emails and social networks.

What is a meme?

Memes refer to a part of digital content that has captioned photos that are related in a much more effective way to convey responses or situations. Anything and everything can be turned into a meme, like; a photo, a video, a person, an animal, a fictional character, an action, or even a GIF.

What is a GIF?

A GIF is a form of meme that can move. Animated GIF styles make them more effective for communicating digital content.

Creative expression takes a leap:

Memes and gifs have paved the way for non-verbal communication in digitally mediated settings. They offer concise and flexible expressions for a variety of complex visual and verbal feelings. They just make the way communication happens, reducing the problem of misunderstandings when reading a text message. Various feelings, such as sarcasm or exaggeration, can easily be reflected by memes or GIFs.

The growing preference for GIFs:

GIFs are the perfect medium between classic images and heavily loaded videos and provide the best of both worlds value. They draw attention for the moving images, with or without sound, which makes them quick to consume and easy to digest. An idea can be expressed better and more widely compared to a single photo.

Why do we use memes and GIFs?

The richness and nuances of various feelings can be condensed into a single post using memes or GIFs. It is fast becoming the most efficient form of cultural expression even in conventional marketing communications.

Where a YouTube video takes some time to view, these GIFs can serve that purpose in less time. They take up less file size because they are shorter and do not require Flash Player. They can be played automatically on various platforms and can be implemented in various ways. They add meaning to something written or even to express better responses to various scenarios.

Education and marketing with GIF:

GIFs are used not only to make you laugh, but also to convey serious meaning to your content. People use GIFs for educational purposes, like; drawings, illustrations, and slow motion videos to describe science concepts.

Brands have made GIFs mainstream by using them in various advertisements and modes of internal and external communication.

What does the future hold?

These GIFs and memes are here to stay. They will be used in an even broader sense to promote marketing content, generate more traffic, and generate more interest from marketers. There are several websites and blogs that use memes and GIFs to enrich the experience of their visitors. It is suggested that GIFs are the future of photojournalism.

Everyone on the internet has truly, deeply, and madly fallen in love with GIFs and memes, and I hope to see many more in the future.

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