How Aloe Vera Can Help Prevent and Eliminate Corns and Calluses on the Feet

Corn facts

One of the most common foot problems is corns and calluses. This happens when the skin of the foot is subjected to pressure and friction. Walking and other similar activities, especially if a person is wearing shoes, will cause thickening of the skin in reaction to pressure and friction.

A callus, also known as a tyloma, is made up of thickened skin. Left untreated or continually subjected to pressure and friction, it will form a mass of dead skin cells. These masses of dead skin cells will have a focal point, unlike corns that spread. When you get a focal point, it is classified as corn.

If corns are not removed, they can become infected and develop an ulcer. Abscesses and pus may appear on infected corn. Corns are a primary health problem, especially for diabetics, who must take extreme care of their feet, since any form of infection is more difficult for them to cure.

Corns preventive treatment

To prevent corns from continually being subjected to pressure and friction, you would have to remove at the source. It may be necessary to change shoes or add pads. You may also need to make adjustments to activities like walking or running that will put pressure on your feet.

Scraping it

There are many callus and corn removers on the market today, which involves the use of tools to scrape and cut the offending dead skin. These tools must be used with great care. There are many cases where the user has scraped so much skin to the point of injury.

Regular use of pumice stones during bathing can help remove calluses. To get the most out of the sandpaper effect, be sure to soak your feet in water while using the pumice stone. Treat your feet with skin softeners at night or make it part of your daily moisturizing routine for your feet.

Aloe Vera for corns

Aloe vera contains vitamins C and E plus zinc that can heal and soften the skin. The antibacterial nature of Aloe Vera will help prevent infection. Choosing to use aloe vera products like gels and creams can help prevent and remove calluses.

The Aloe Vera application method is simple. First you have to wash and lather your feet. After drying your feet, apply a generous amount of Aloe Vera topical product and massage in for twenty to thirty minutes. The application of the Aloe Vera product should be done two or three times a day.

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