How to lose a double chin without surgery

If double chin is a real problem for men, then it is a real nightmare for women. Most of the time, a double chin will appear as we gain weight or when our body slows down as we age. We don’t burn as many calories, so naturally we all put on a little more weight as we gain in years.

The double chin is commonplace for both men and women and many cures can work for both. Men may have a slight advantage in that they can grow a beard or stubble in a very inconspicuous position that can be cut designer around the chin to flow over the same jowl lines. There is a real art to this and many movie stars and personalities find this option perfectly enjoyable. But what about the rest of us who prefer to get rid of a double chin once and for all?

The first thing to consider is diet. I know there is no surprise, but it really works. A balanced diet of minerals, proteins and vitamins along with regular exercise will reduce body fat and this includes your face. Drinking a lot of water, at least two or four liters a day will not do you any harm. Drinking lots of fresh orange and lemon juice is very beneficial for you because it contains natural antioxidants and will remove all toxins from your body.

Exercise is a real must. Jogging, playing tennis, squash, or racquetball, for example, will force you to move in different directions and make your loose skin very flexible. You may not feel it, but it will move in all directions. Look at any slow motion of an athlete and you will see what I mean. If you combine this move with actual face sweating then you have an ideal recipe for weight loss as long as you stay away from fatty foods or anything high in calories.

Saunas are another wonderful way to lose weight and it is such a hot area that you cannot stop sweating and lose weight from your face. After a sauna, how about a massage, especially a facial? All the rubbing, the urge, and the stretching of the facial muscles won’t do any harm to your profile either.

If you prefer something a bit private in the comfort of your home, you can directly target the flabby chin area with a few simple exercises. With the top of your hand (not your palm), you can gently tap the area upward. You should do this for 10-20 minutes. You can keep exchanging hands if you want because it can get a bit tiring. Do this twice a day for a couple of weeks and you should see a significant difference. This type of facial exercise is very popular in Asia and is practiced by Chinese and Japanese.

Another exercise you can do is to use both thumbs and rotate the flaccid chin area. This is a bit more intense than the light slapping option, but it can have some very positive results. You must ensure that you do not overdo this type of exercise. There’s no point in basically hitting your face just to bring the schedule of success a little closer. Tomorrow is another day, so try to be patient. The results will come if you are consistent with exercise and strict with your diet.

I would avoid doing any stressful neck exercises that some people comment on. This can cause serious damage to the upper spine and neck area. There is no point trying to rectify one area of ​​your body only to find that you have caused another that has more serious implications. The trick is to do things gradually. His double chin didn’t appear overnight, so naturally it will take time to shrink or hopefully disappear forever.

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