Importance of education in our life

Education plays an important role in everyone’s life as it enhances our knowledge, wisdom and thinking ability. In fact, it totally changes our personality and helps us acquire positive attitudes.

Education is essential in all aspects. From achieving the highest levels of social welfare and economic growth to promoting social mobility among people, education plays an important role. Likewise, it acts as a stepping stone in the prevalence of cultural, social and secular values ​​among people that strengthen the relationships of societies. Innovation in science and technology is only possible thanks to education.

Education provides a platform for decent livelihoods. You have a chance to be employed in better position in industries or other professional service only if you have education. Education also plays an important role in achieving good communication skill viz. signs, postures, speech, eye contact, gestures and even body language. An educated people knows how to represent themselves, they know what form of communication is appropriate for a specific situation.

The most economically and socially advanced societies have been those that have managed to consolidate their progress in knowledge, both those transmitted by schooling and those generated by research. Education, learning and scientific innovation increasingly depend on economic efficiency and competitiveness, as well as much of the social and cultural development of nations.

In the words of the ancient Indian teacher, philosopher and economist Chanakya: “Education is your best friend, an educated person is respected everywhere, education beats beauty and youth.” Knowledge is an asset that will stay with you until your last breath, no one can steal it and you always have the opportunity to get as much knowledge or education as you can.

It is the duty of every parent to impart great values ​​and knowledge in their children from an early age and also inform them about the importance of education in their lives. Regularly engage his children in debates, group discussions, and other skill-building activities to build their confidence and self-esteem from a young age.

There are many educational boards in India like CBSE, ICSE, state boards etc. which aims to impart quality education to its pupils. Therefore, choose any education board from the above-mentioned boards after properly analyzing the needs and strengths of your children. Education is a very good tool that benefits your children throughout their lives.

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