Kids love treasure hunts

Think back to when you were a kid. Do you have memories of the Easter egg hunt? Do you have memories of “discovering” what candy you had in your bag after Halloween? Do you remember the excitement of opening presents at Christmas? Have you ever gotten together with your friends and went on “scavenger hunts”? You may have heard the story of a chest buried with the loot of a bank robber. Maybe it was a pirate treasure. Or, as in my case, the Lost Dutchman mine.

Children love a treasure hunt. They love discovery. They love to find something hidden. Why not take advantage of that natural drive and curiosity and give them the opportunity to develop their imagination, dedication to purpose, critical thinking skills, and sense of determination by engaging them in the treasure hunt?

The type of hunt and the type of treasure should be adapted to your age and interest. Hiding a “treasure trove” of treats, toys, and trinkets somewhere in the house for younger children can instill a desire to get involved and stay involved. An opening clue found in an old book that leads to other clues hidden in the house, which ultimately leads to the hideout, is exhilarating.

Older children can be given their own metal detector to use on a family outing to a nearby park or picnic area. When you’re old enough, provide some books and magazines with stories of “real” treasures lost or buried near your home, and make a family plan to “go after them.” Once they make the mistake of looking for treasures, you will see that they will be much more interested in planning and preparing for the next outing, and less inclined to be “inactive”, which we all know can lead to some “less than desirable activities.” “. .

However, treasure hunting is not just about lost and buried treasure. Hunting for gold (or shooting for nuggets, or sniper, or moss, or lock, or high bank or dredging), hunting for bottles, chasing rocks, even just walking around the old ghost towns can awaken that feeling of curiosity and wonder that can turn into a lifelong passion for “the hunt.”

How to start? Show interest yourself. Have a couple of books lying around that you are reading that contain stories and treasure hunting activities. Ask them if they have ever heard of a nearby “treasure.” Ask if your friends have ever talked about it. Ask them to read the story and see if they come to the same conclusions as you. Start preparing to find it yourself and involve him in the preparations. The more interest they show, the more likely they are to generate interest themselves.

And that’s the idea.

Get them to generate your own interest; his own desire to ‘go for it’. When you go out on your first expedition, make it a tangible ‘good time’ that they can remember, even if it’s just for burgers and smoothies on the way back. Talk about “next time” and what you will do differently to get closer to finding it. Build some anticipation for the “next trip.” Treasure Hunting (in all its forms) is a great family recreation that can create memories that will last a lifetime. And, who knows, maybe you’re raising the next Mel Fischer who will discover a lost cache of unimaginable wealth. There is no better time to start than now!

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