Manifest your desires using natural hypnosis

Seth, the very high level spiritual teacher and guide channeled many years ago by Jane Roberts, impressed me with his great wisdom and I began to apply his exercises and concepts as soon as I discovered his books. One of the exercises that I practiced and loved was his natural hypnosis exercise.

Seth explained how we are our best hypnotist. Natural hypnosis is simply giving ourselves our full attention. We have head chatter anyway, repeating words and phrases over and over again, making it part of our belief system and reality. This is natural hypnosis, nothing mystical about it.

Deliberately using natural hypnosis to manifest what we want is easy to do. We already have a lot of practice doing it unconsciously. Using positive affirmations repeated for a short period of time is very powerful and works exceptionally well. I have used written and verbal positive affirmations since childhood and can give numerous examples of how well it works.

Now, some of you may be thinking, “I do affirmations all the time, this is nothing new!” What is different is the use of a specific period of time (five to ten minutes only) of deliberately focused attention on one affirmation. And forgetting about everything when you’re done. It is very focused and more powerful than saying or writing affirmations in general.

Seth suggests that we take five to ten minutes each day to focus on a particular statement as vividly as possible. This is a statement or an affirmation that we want to see manifested in physical reality. This statement should feel comfortable to use; if not, change it.

Let’s say, for example, that you want a new job or career. Your affirmation might be something like, “I now have my dream job, do what I love, and earn a great income.” You may want to insert an actual income figure into your claim. Express it so that it feels good.

I did this several years ago for a particular job that I wanted after I graduated from college. Although there was no opening at the company I wanted to work for, I got the job in an unusual way. In the meantime, I easily and quickly attracted another similar job that brought me to certain people and circumstances. In a short period of time, I was able to get my foot in the door of the company I originally wanted to work for. By doing this exercise, I set energies in motion that opened doors and attracted opportunities that I was unaware of. I wasn’t worried about how it would play out, I just allowed it to happen. Everything went even better than I expected.

So decide which affirmation you would like to use and get started. Every time your mind tries to wander, bring it back to your statement or affirmation, repeating it mentally or out loud, over and over, just for five to ten minutes (you may want to set a timer). Then forget about everything until the next day, when you do this exercise again.

What you just did is focused attention, natural hypnosis. According to Seth, if you do this exactly as mentioned, in at least three days, you will start to see the results of your intentions. Some can see it before. Keep doing the exercise no matter what and allow miracles to happen. Seth explains:

“The inner channels need to be redesigned. There will be a feel to this that will serve as your individual guide. There is no need to continue the practice for ten minutes. In fact, many will find it difficult to do so. Spending a longer period of time simply reinforces the idea of ​​the problems involved. [The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts]

I wish you all much success using natural hypnosis sessions in this way, it really works! For other great Seth exercises and techniques, some of the books I highly recommend by Jane Roberts are Seth Speaks, The Nature of Personal Reality, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness and by Lynda Dahl – Beyond the Winning Streak: Using Conscious Creaton to Consistently Win at Life and Ten Thousand Whispers: A Guide to Conscious Creation.

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