Relationships: Is the purpose of a relationship to trigger old wounds?

When someone has just started dating someone else, they may find that it feels really good. They will then still be on the same planet they were on before meeting this person, but it may be as if they have been taken to another place.

This area of ​​your life is going to be good, and almost every other area of ​​your life could end up benefiting as well. The good feelings you experience in relation to this person will end up being directed towards another part of your life.

a focus

However, while having this person in your life will have a positive effect on your well-being, you may find it difficult to focus on other areas of your life. Like a child who has a new bike waiting for him at home, his attention can usually be on this person.

Therefore, when they are at work, they may not be able to perform in the same way as they normally would. Then again, they may be able to pull this person aside when they need to.

on cloud nine

Both of them will have started out as separate beings and will continue to be, but it could be as if they have merged into one being. The experience they both had of merging with their mother as infants may have returned, reverting to the infant symbiotic state.

It is possible that almost all of your problems and worries have faded into the background, thanks to the connection you have with each other. The chemicals that have been released in your brain will undoubtedly play a part in all of this.

the journey continues

Then the weeks and months can go by and everything can continue to go in the same direction. Because of how good you both feel when you are together and when you are apart, it can feel like you are on a vacation that will never end.

This is not to say that an odd problem won’t arise, but if it does, it may not have much of an impact on your relationship. But, just as a real party comes to an end at some point, there is a chance that something will happen sooner or later that will bring these people back to earth.

Of nothing

One could do or say something and the other person could end up completely lost. After this, one could stay focused and try to figure out what is going on, or they could behave in the same way and add fuel to the fire.

Alternatively, one might discover that their partner has been having an affair or was already in a relationship with someone else. After finding out about this, they could end up hitting rock bottom emotionally.

Two Experiences

If something small happens, like your partner losing you, you may find that everything is fine after a while. A small fire will have appeared and they will not have taken long to put it out.

However, if something big has happened, like your partner having an affair, it may not be so simple. A huge fire will have appeared and it may not even be possible to put it out.


Regardless of what happens, one is likely to find that certain feelings will arise within oneself. If your partner loses you, the feelings may not be as strong as if they were the ones who were going to lose you.

However, the emotional pain will have risen to the surface and it may be difficult for them to understand why this has happened. That is unless they are not even aware of their feelings and are just reacting to what is happening.

The purpose

If one believed that they had found ‘the one’ and that this area of ​​their life would always run smoothly, it will naturally be challenging for them to accept what is happening. However, what has happened will not be the main problem; what will be the main problem is the expectations they had.

Your response to what happened would likely be very different if you believed that you were joining the people who would trigger your wounds and allow you to heal and grow as a result. This would allow them to see that while it may seem like someone else has made them feel a certain way, there is usually much more to it than that.

the history

Being out of touch with what’s going on inside them and concentrating on what’s going on ‘out there’ will distract them from what’s really going on. Then it will be normal for them to get caught up in what their partner has done or not done, getting lost in the drama.

Ultimately, what is happening is simply there to bring to the surface the parts of themselves that need to heal. Therefore, if one gets caught up in what is happening externally and ignores what is happening internally, he will be trapped in an illusion (Maya).

Some examples

If your partner has a tendency to lose control and ends up walking on eggshells, it could indicate that they had to do the same thing to one of their caregivers. This person is then triggering fear, along with anger and rejection, among other things, that have been inside them for years.

Conversely, if your partner has been having an affair and it hits you sideways, it could indicate that they experienced a lot of neglect during their early years. The anger, rejection, abandonment, and worthless feelings you may feel now will likely revert to how you felt as a dependent child.


Getting caught up in what is happening (the story) can make you feel like a victim and suffer needlessly. And instead of being able to see that the other person has been brought into their life to help them in their evolution (they may not consciously know this), they will blame them.

If you can relate to this and are ready to heal your wounds, you may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

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