Simple techniques to release stress, trauma, anxiety and pain

Chronic stress and trauma contribute greatly to physical, mental, and emotional illness. The reason for this is that both stress and trauma lead to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and correlate with poor vagus nerve tone (think of the vagus nerve as the CEO of the autonomic nervous system).

It is important to emphasize that trauma is a somatic experience, not an event. In other words, it is not about what happens to us, but about how we experience it (that is, how we “embodied” it). Therefore, the same event can be very traumatic for one person, while another person can be totally okay with it. The experience itself registers (embeds) as a physiological response (with or without a corresponding psychological imprint) and can have a long-term dysregulatory effect on our autonomic nervous system. Interestingly, traumatic experiences can be passed down from generation to generation, so we may be dealing with nervous system dysregulation as a result of someone in our lineage experiencing trauma.

Similarly, chronic stress also causes dysregulation of the nervous system and poor vagal tone. We experience chronic stress when we constantly worry (about paying the bills, losing a loved one, getting sick, not being loved, not feeling fulfilled in our personal or professional life, etc.). Again, it’s not about the situation we find ourselves in, it’s about how we see it and embody it. Thus, the same situation can be considered a stressful experience by one person and a beneficial opportunity by another. Consequently, these two people will have very different autonomic responses (the first will go towards disease and the second will stay healthy and resilient).

At first glance, it is important for all of us to “tone” the vagus nerve, as it not only helps to release trauma and stress already stored in the body, but also improves the resistance of our autonomic nervous system (so that we can deal with with future stress). in a more empowered way). Subjectively, improved vagal tone correlates with relief from neck and back pain, better digestion, improved mood and sleep, inner peace and calm, weight loss, and much more.

Now, before we get to the actual exercises that help tone the vagus nerve, let’s look at the vagus nerve itself and understand how it works. The vagus nerve has three main functions: the parasympathetic: rest, digest, connect and socialize; the sympathetic – mobilize, fight or flee; and the dorsal – freeze, paralyze, depress (called dorsal because the corresponding branch of the vagus nerve goes backwards). The other two are states of stress, the sympathetic being the healthier of the two, since at least we are capable of doing something about our stress, that is, we are mobilized and capable of acting. However, it is true that the sympathetic is also the state in which we gain the most weight (due to the elevation of cortisol and insulin). Lastly, “freeze” mode can be very dangerous as it paralyzes and depresses us, discourages us, shuts us down, shuts us down, withdraws us and there is not much we can do. Back pain and neck stiffness, as well as mood disorders, often (though not always) correlate with this mode of freezing.

Of course, all three states of the autonomic nervous system are needed, and each can be beneficial depending on the circumstances. The important thing is that we flow from one state to another in a flexible way. Resilience is about being able to move through those states as needed (rather than getting stuck in any one of them), and that’s precisely what exercises for vagal tone aim to do.

Crucially, the vagus connects the brain and the gut and this communication is bi-directional with only 20% of the information going from the brain to the gut and the other 80% of the information flowing from the gut to the brain. Thus, we can appreciate the importance of maintaining optimal gut health for autonomic nervous system function, but we can equally understand how dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system can alter digestive functions.

With that said, here are some simple vagus nerve toning techniques that can help you release stress, trauma, and pain and increase your flexibility and resilience against future stress. Use these simple exercises instead of abusing alcohol, food, drugs, or caffeine to help you cope.

  1. The 5-2-8 Breath: Inhale for 5, hold for 2, and exhale for a count of 8.

  2. Eye Movement: Keep your head straight and move your eyes to the right for 30 seconds; then bring your eyes briefly to the center and move them to the left for another 30 seconds.

  3. Massage and stretch your ears, as well as behind your ears.

  4. Splash cold water on your face.

  5. Take a cold shower.

  6. Gargle, sing and hum.

  7. Laugh, stretch, meditate, and listen to relaxing music.

  8. Eat well for your gut and never go to bed with a full stomach.

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