The 11 Forgotten Laws Review: Is Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey’s Program Effective?

I suggest you continue reading this review of 11 forgotten laws if you are interested in improving your life and attracting positive energies. This could just be one of the most important things you’ve ever done in your life.

Ever since The Secret was revealed, people became eager to search for the truth behind the Law of Attraction. This law has been a driving force for people who are experiencing difficulties in life to achieve success. What most people forget or don’t realize when trying to work with the Law of Attraction is that it is more than just a wish. You need the right attitude, discipline, and action to make it work.

The 11 Forgotten Laws is part of the Working with the Law program. Created by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey, it is a home study program that discusses the 11 laws of the universe and how to manifest them to your benefit.

The reason the 11 Forgotten Laws were created is to provide the components that are missing from the conventional understanding of the Law of Attraction. These 11 laws amplify the Law of Attraction to achieve its great effects. The 11 laws are the principles that formed the universe and they do not work separately but together as one. This is why many people fail to manifest the power of the Law of Attraction because they don’t realize that there are actually 11 laws to work with.

The 11 Forgotten Laws is an audio program made up of 12 chapters and can be easily downloaded from the internet. You can download it immediately after purchasing the product. No need to wait for the purchased product to arrive in days or weeks! Within the program, you will be provided with an in-depth exploration and explanation of the famous book “Working with the Law” by Raymond Holliwell. You’ll also receive PDF transcripts, a step-by-step workbook, and various other bonuses in addition to the audio program once you purchase the product.

In total, The 11 Forgotten Laws has a total duration of approximately 7 hours and contains 95 lessons. It runs in MP3 format that can be easily played on your computer or any media player like iPod.

Here are the 11 laws of the universe discussed within The 11 Forgotten Laws:

  • law of thought
  • law of supply
  • law of attraction
  • law of receiving
  • law of increase
  • Compensation Law
  • law of nonresistance
  • Law of Forgiveness
  • Law of Sacrifice
  • Law of Obedience
  • law of success

Your journey with the program does not end there. As promised, the 11 Forgotten Laws provide additional bonuses free of charge:

Burt Goldman’s The Prosperity Program – This bonus program talks about using the Law of Attraction to become incredibly happy in your life.

Manifest Like a Millionaire by Laura Silva Quesada – This Bonus is a video program that shows not only how to earn more money, but also teaches you how to live a stress-free, healthy life like you’ve always wanted.

Silva’s Legendary Centering Audio by Laura Silva: Improve your thinking through centering exercises.

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