The 3 best indirect abdominal exercises

When looking to do abdominal exercises, you should try to work your abs in as many exercises as possible. This is where you want to add metabolism by increasing high intensity workouts that work your entire body.

Sit-ups have been shown to be bad for your back and have absolutely no benefit in losing belly fat. Exercises like the pushup and side plank are best for your abs, but unfortunately they aren’t sexy enough for most people.

The importance of diet cannot be underestimated either, as most eat clean foods like protein, fruits, and vegetables while eliminating all processed junk.

While diet is really the number one factor in losing stomach fat, you also want to do the right exercises.

Here’s an example of a hard abs workout that doesn’t involve any of the obvious, straightforward abs exercises. Perform the following workout, exercise after exercise, with each exercise performed for 3-4 sets of 8 reps.

* Renegade Dumbbell Rows – Begin in a push-up position with your hands on the dumbbells. Slowly bring your right elbow back, keeping it tight against your body, and slowly lower your back. Then do the same with your left elbow. As you swing on one arm, the core will hook and tighten

* Barbell Front Squats: Hold the barbell across your shoulders with your upper arms parallel to the floor. This is a difficult exercise, so maybe ask your trainer to help you with it and make sure you start low and progress to heavier weights. Squat with correct form and then squat again. Again, as you balance the bar and move up and down, your core will have to work hard to maintain balance.

* Mountain Climbers – Down in an upward flex position. Bring your right knee to your chest and then bring your right foot back. Then the left foot. As you get used to it, try to go as fast as you can while still maintaining good form. This exercise can be done on time instead of repetitions, say 30 seconds.

Another trick to enhance the benefit of these exercises is to pull the navel inward and contract the transverse abs, particularly the rows and climbers.

So be sure to give this a try and see how it goes.

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