Top 10 Cardio Kickboxing Questions

1. What is Cardio Kickboxing?

Cardio kickboxing is a hybrid of boxing, martial arts, and aerobics that is performed rhythmically to music. Cardio kickboxing is also known as aerobic kickboxing or fitness kickboxing. Offering intense full-body and cross-training, it utilizes the training routines used by martial artists in the sports of boxing and kickboxing. The objective is not to become a “fighter”, but to give a balanced overall program that combines cardio-aerobic training with self-defense techniques. There is no physical contact in the class, it is offered as an alternative to conventional aerobics.

Unlike a traditional martial arts class, music adds to your stimulation and motivation. Unlike an aerobics class, there are numerous techniques you can learn beyond the basics to keep your interest level up. Classes go by quickly because there is so much to do.

2. What are the benefits of Cardio Kickboxing?

These classes give you a full body workout and improve your fitness, flexibility, coordination and balance. If you strike with precision and power, you’ll strengthen your upper body and eventually see more muscle definition. The kicks will strengthen your legs. And kneeling movements (a punch where you push your bent knee up) will firm up your abdominal muscles; in fact, all of the movements, when performed correctly, will turn your torso into a solid foundation that will allow you to perform everyday tasks with greater ease. Many cardio kickboxing classes also include punching bag exercises that provide additional fitness and strength training benefits due to the “resistance” when punching or kicking the heavy punching bags.

Your cardiovascular system will also benefit. Cardio kickboxing is a true aerobic workout—it keeps you swinging, weaving, and jumping in the middle of punches and kicks, so your heart rate stays elevated for most of the session. A good class will leave you drenched in sweat and bursting with energy. And your increased conditioning will be accompanied by an increased metabolism, which means you’ll burn more calories even when you’re not exercising.

Many people find cardio kickboxing a great way to release stress. Relieving stress and channeling aggression can be just as beneficial as physical exercise itself. The physiological difference between this exercise and other cardiovascular exercises such as running or participating in an aerobics class cannot be explained by simple “endorphin release.” A natural high is experienced after a class that lasts for hours. Civilized as we all have been to not hit each other (which, of course, is a good thing), we are still equipped with some natural aggression. You may find that planting your heel on a ghost enemy’s torso 10 or 20 times leaves you wonderfully calm.

3. Who should take a Cardio Kickboxing class?

Anyone who wants to get in better shape. Although primarily designed for adults, cardio kickboxing classes can also benefit teens. Student athletes can train to improve their fitness and conditioning. And the resulting boost in self-confidence provides a mental edge when it comes to getting more playing time and performing well during actual games.

Students who are homeschooled or who don’t like to participate in mainstream sports programs can also reap health and fitness benefits. Exercise is important. And, because of the added benefit of self-advocacy that comes as a by-product of the program, it enhances the student’s self-esteem, channels aggression, and enhances assertiveness.

It is recommended that you check with your health card provider before taking the class if you have not exercised regularly recently, and come and speak with a teacher and watch part of a class if you have other questions or concerns.

4. What should I expect in a Cardio Kickboxing class?

A typical class lasts just over an hour. If hitting bags, before class, participants wrap both hands in cloth bandages to help protect the knuckles and support the wrists (instructor will show you how). Then, with everyone facing the mirror, a teacher guides the group through specific punches and kicks, to the beat of dance club music. The class starts with a warm-up period, moves into quick kicking and shadow boxing drills, then heavy bag work, and ends with some strengthening exercises and a cool-down stretch. Interspersed with this are aerobic conditioning exercises like high knees, vines, and jumping jacks.

Be prepared to feel a bit awkward and lost at times, but don’t be discouraged. Even if you’re a highly-trained runner or have been doing aerobics for years, these movements may be new to your body. Pay attention to what feels good to you. Don’t do a movement that hurts and take breaks if you feel tired. Your muscles need time to develop their “memory,” and your reactions when the teacher says what to do (“jab, cross, hook, roundhouse”) will be slow at first. By the second or third class, the discomfort will start to dissipate.

5. What will I learn?

The first thing you’ll learn is stance: a way of standing that maximizes balance and gives power to your movements. Your feet are shoulder-width apart and at a slight angle, one foot behind the other. Your cuffs are around your cheekbones to protect your face (don’t hunch your shoulders). This is the position you will return to after every punch and kick.

You will also learn how to move, which is important because you use your momentum to generate power. This involves staying in motion while staying on the balls of your feet, allowing you to act or respond much more efficiently. The general rule of thumb for a power punch is to use the weight and momentum of your body, not just your arms. Engage your abdominal muscles and exhale as you twist and punch.

The strikes that are generally taught are jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. Kicks will include front kick, side kick, back kick, angle kick, and roundhouse kick. But punches and kicks don’t come in multiples of one. You will learn kickboxing sequences, how the jab sets up the cross, sets up the hook, etc. Each hit sets up the next one so you can generate much more power with combos of two or more. Your body’s torque helps create this momentum. Individual moves are worked into quickly executed combinations (eg jab, cross punch, hook, uppercut, front kick).

Different instructors have different views on what they teach and the subtleties of the techniques, but the basics you learn from a master will carry over into all classes.

6. What should I use?

Sweatshirts, shorts and a T-shirt, an aerobic dance outfit, whatever keeps you comfortable and cool. Wear well-made athletic shoes that are not overused. Running shoes are not ideal because they are not made for side-to-side movement. Basketball, tennis, or other shoes designed for pivots and lateral movement are best. It is also very important that your shoes are clean. Bare feet are fine too.

7. Could it hurt me?

Yes. If you’re not careful, you could end up with elbow or wrist pain, a pulled muscle, or one of the injuries that commonly occur in aerobics classes, like a sprained knee or sprained ankle. So take a protective attitude towards your body.

If you have time, arrive a few minutes early to put on your wraps and warm up by gently stretching your legs (especially the front and back of your thighs) and shoulders. Make sure you are and stay well hydrated.

During class, be sure to stop the movement of each punch or kick before the joint is fully extended. Never kick or punch so far that you lock the elbow or knee joints. Also, start by concentrating on kicking low and with control. Respect the limits of your body. Sure, you can change those boundaries, but it will take time, dedication, and a realistic attitude.

8. Will Cardio Kickboxing give me defense skills?

Since you’ll be exercising anyway, learning basic self-defense skills at the same time is an added benefit. Over time, you will develop strong kicking and punching skills and learn the practical application of techniques practiced in the air on the heavy bag. Bagwork practice is needed to measure distance and effectively land your punch or kick flush with a target. You can’t just shadow-kickbox, you need the feedback of hitting something. Keep in mind though that the focus is on conditioning and not self defense, if you really want to learn self defense tactics take martial arts or self defense classes.

9. How can I get the most out of the classes?

As with any exercise, if you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness or trim an inch here and there, you’ll need to do it regularly. Two to four sessions per week is probably optimal; Between classes it’s good to mix things up. For example, take a brisk walk or run, do stretching or yoga to increase your flexibility, or just take a day off to rest.

10. How can I get more information?

Go to class!

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