When a woman should consult her gynecologist

Your gynecologist can not only advise you when you are pregnant but can also be consulted before conceiving a baby or conceiving a baby faster. The process can be accelerated with professional help, since they will ask you about your menstrual cycle and advise you on the most suitable days to conceive a baby and a healthy one too.

There are many things that you could discuss with your friends and friends, but there may be certain things, it may be a bit embarrassing that you do not prefer to talk to anyone other than your gynecologist, considering that they can be very vital for your reproductive system and sexual health. Here are vital topics you could discuss or consult with your gynecologist.

casual bleeding after sex

There’s no need to panic the first time you bleed after rough sex, but if it’s not occasional and happens more than once, I advise you to talk to your doctor. Bleeding after sex can or could lead to anything from an infection or maternal dryness to a precancerous cervical problem.

unstable menstrual cycle

An irregular pattern of your monthly periods is not considered normal and you should seek the advice of your doctor. Even if you’re not pregnant and may spot between periods from time to time, be sure to see your doctor. Discuss your period flow with your doctor and let her decide if it’s normal or needs attention. Sometimes a shaky monthly cycle can lead to an infection, cyst, or hormonal imbalance.

Had unprotected sex maybe once

Let’s say you had unprotected sex and had no change in your monthly cycle and didn’t notice any STD symptoms. Trust me, your body can still be vulnerable to some STDs that may not show symptoms. Some, like the human papillomavirus (HPV), can lie dormant and not become active for years. Therefore, it is recommended that you tell your doctor if you have unprotected sex.

When you have had few sexual partners

Talking with your doctor about your sexual pleasures can help you enjoy intimate pleasures safely and safely. They are not there to judge you but to keep you safe, so it is advisable to reveal information that may seem relevant rather than completely ignore your adult pleasures.

What medication or supplements you are taking

Tell your gynecologist about any medicines or supplements you are taking, either for birth control or to get pregnant or in case you have surgery. Sometimes herbal supplements can cause complications. So keep your doctor up to date on your medications without fail.

Ask about immunizations and Pap smears

Talk to your doctor about which pre-pregnancy vaccines you need for yourself and when to get them, as they would keep you safe from conceiving. Don’t miss your regular Pap smear, and be sure to get one before you intend to conceive. Ask your gynecologist about cervical cancer and follow her advice on vaccinating against cervical cancer.

Ask about safe sex, family planning, and contraception

With today’s technology, a lot of information is easily accessible to everyone. However, it is best to have your gynecologist discuss and advise certain issues and concerns related to adult women. All questions related to family planning and contraception, unwanted pregnancies, can be resolved by your gynecologist. They are the best people to advise you on healthy habits related to family planning and planning a baby.

It is the duty of your gynecologist to advise you about getting pregnant when you want and to advise you not to get pregnant when you don’t want to.

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