White spots from tanning: what you need to know

There are many people who indulge in personal tanning for various reasons. This can range from helping seasonal affective disorder (SAD), helping skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, or even preparing for an outstanding vacation on a sunny beach somewhere. Regardless of the reason a person may have for the purpose of tanning, precautions and preventative measures should be taken to avoid any overexposure or abuse of a tanning bed. White spots from tanning are just one of many results that raise questions from those who use tanning beds.

Skin pigment

In some people, white spots will appear after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun or tanning beds. There may be a genetic trait in the skin that causes these white spots from tanning, as these cells do not produce melanin and therefore are not affected by the tanning process. This idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis is a genetic disorder that prevents the skin from retaining pigment. White spots appear more when tanning darkens the skin around them. There is no cure for this form of white spots.


Some medications will make a person’s skin extremely sensitive to UV light. Birth control pills are just one of these many medications. The skin can tan very unevenly, producing what appear to be white patches due to tanning due to a number of medications. Before filling any prescription at a pharmacy, be sure to speak with your doctor or pharmacist and let them know that you tan occasionally or regularly so that you are aware of any side effects you may experience.


White spots can be the result of a fungus on the skin that prevents ultraviolet rays from entering that patch of skin cells. This is a non-contagious form of fungus that is caused by the combination of sweating and heat directly on the skin. Prescription medications, lotions, or even using an antifungal shampoo on your skin can help remove the appearance of these white spots to try to achieve a more even tan.

Pressure points

When lying down on a tanning bed, there are a number of pressure points that will have a decrease in circulation due to the nature of your body position on the tanning bed. Places like the shoulder blades, hip bones or elbows can produce white patches due to tanning, as they are more likely to have continuous contact with the tanning bed during the session. To try to eliminate the cause of these types of white spots, regular movement and changing positions on the tanning bed will help keep those pressure points from concentrating during the tanning session.

The most important thing to remember is that if you start to notice white patches due to tanning or any other uneven skin condition, contact your doctor immediately for an exam. You don’t want to self-diagnose and end up deciding that your problem isn’t a big deal when it very well may be. Be sure to speak with a medical professional about any skin irritations or irregularities you may have.

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