3 Ways To Thicken And Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscles Quickly And Avoid Injury!

Having trouble gaining the serious muscle you want? Are you training a lot with small changes in your body? Do you want to achieve that ripped look that men and women will envy and desire? This article will reveal three ways to thicken and strengthen your lower back muscles for your best physique, and how to avoid injuries that can derail heavy lifting for months or even permanently.

Tip #1: DEADLIFTS are about as basic an exercise as can be achieved for rapid muscle growth in the lower back: they also hit the traps, lats, and thighs to varying degrees.

Start with a barbell on the floor just in front of your shins; Bend your knees, grab the bar, and stand up. As easy as it sounds, proper form is paramount to safety and effectiveness. Always lift thigh first, keeping your head up. Pull the bar up as close to your legs as possible (it should actually brush against them). An alternate grip (one palm down, one palm up) will prevent the fingers from giving up before the legs or back are properly engaged.

Proper warm-ups followed by sets of six to eight repetitions will stress your lower back along with other major muscles. Deadlifts should not be performed heavy for every lower back workout.

Tip No. 2: GOOD MORNING – Exercise is still one of the best ways to work the lower back.

Standing with your knees slightly bent, hold a light barbell across the back of your shoulders. Now push your butt back, keeping your lower back arched and tight until you feel your hamstrings reach the point of maximum stretch. Unless you’re particularly flexible, you won’t have to bend your torso (as is often recommended) to make it perpendicular to the ground. The stretch in the hamstrings indicates where the range of motion ends. Repeat for six to 10 repetitions.

Sometimes it is prescribed that you keep your knees locked throughout the movement. Do not do it! As locking your knees will shift the emphasis to your hamstrings and greatly increase the likelihood of a doctor’s visit!


Assume a prone position on a hyperextension bench or other appropriate flat bench. If you’re using a hyperextension bench (either a flat or 45-degree model), hook your feet (the backs of your heels) under the bar, or have a partner hold your feet if you’re using a bench that lacks a component to stabilize your feet/lower body. Allow your upper body to hang over the front end of the bench. The front edge of the bench/pad should be level with the hip joints. The knees should remain slightly bent throughout the movement.

Then, leading with your head, “bend” your torso up and back as far as you can, squeezing a maximum contraction into the erectors at the top. Lower down to a point where you still have at least half of the maximum stress on your lower back muscles and repeat for 10 or more repetitions.


Four out of five people experience significant back pain in their lifetime, so to avoid being one of them, consider injury prevention first and muscle building second.

Your ultimate body is within your reach, as long as you follow the proven principles in this article. Rapid muscle growth is not a pipe dream or only for those with the perfect genetic makeup. Use these strategies in the order listed and very soon you will find your lower back thicker and stronger. Your lower back is of paramount importance because it is the base of your power.

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