Does Sanus-Biotex work for degenerative myelopathy?

So… Does Sanus Biotex really work? If you’re reading this, it’s probably a question you’ve been asking yourself over and over again, just like I did in late November 2010. As I mentioned earlier, I really felt the need and wanted to tell people about the story. (from Tiger). It amazes me that such a small amount of powder mixed into his food for 60 to 90 days improved not only his life but also changed our family.

A personal note to you…I want to make this very clear…By telling my story about my own personal experience using Sanus-Biotex. I am in no way affiliated with Sanus-Biotex and/or Pet Harmonics Co. The same applies and also includes anyone else in my family. They were incredulous for once that they decided to take a chance on Sanus-Biotex to help our dog overcome the symptoms of degenerative myelopathy… And I would love to share our dogs amazing story with you!

Sanus-Biotex and Pet Harmonics Co…

A little over a year ago (15) months to be exact It was one of the worst days of my life. As you probably already know how attached you become to the “family dog” and you know when something is not right with him/her. It’s hard to see and you care a lot about the cause and what’s really going on. Those were my thoughts and as I was taking Tiger to the vet I knew something serious was up.

Degenerative myelopathy: a particular family…

Tiger, our six year old German Shepherd, diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) in November 2010. As we left our office, the grim news we just received absolutely devastated our entire family. Weeks later, as I continued to read and research every treatment method you can think of, both online and offline. And while he continued to search, Tiger continued to get worse. Watching him suffer, not in pain, but in frustration and fear. Scared that he couldn’t get up sometimes, frustrated as he limped before falling. Tiger wasn’t the only one scared by the effects of this disease, our whole family was too. We felt good on Tiger’s best days and we felt sad on days when he wasn’t doing so well. Our lives revolved around Tiger, making sure there was always someone home with him to help him walk, eat, drink, etc. You name it, we helped Tiger do it and as this disease continued to progress I lost hope at first. But that all changed when, just a few months after I was diagnosed with DM, I was reading an article in a very popular canine magazine about a small company in Pennsylvania that was working on a new treatment method for canine degenerative myelopathy.

My whole life was changing as I continued reading the article. I envisioned Tiger being able to walk with us again, playing frisbee, running around the backyard with the kids, swimming in our little river while my husband tried to fish. This excitement and hope soon ended the next day when I picked up the phone and called our vet. Dr??? (I probably shouldn’t post his name), he told me that the progression of the disease is intractable and cannot be slowed or stopped. My heart sank when I hung up the phone. Here is a very well known vet who has cared for all of our pets for the last 12 years basically telling me that no matter what we do this disease will continue to slowly progress through Tiger’s body eventually causing him to lose complete mobility where ever. at some point he would have to make the decision to sacrifice it for his own benefit.

To this day, I remember telling my three children this news and of course they were just as heartbroken as I was and now we all sit in our living room and cry.

The next day something really started a fire below me. I’m not exactly sure why, but I did see my husband take Tiger outside that morning. I felt a calm around me and I knew we could NOT sit in this house watching the condition of the Tigers worsen – we had to do something and it had to be done now! As I looked at Tiger outside lying on the grass, I vividly remember picking up the phone determined to get help. After all, I could see that Tiger was trying to fight this disease and at that moment I knew that as a family, they were NO He’s going to stand in his corner and watch objective they were going to jump into the ring and fight this disease a.

About a week later, the first bottle of Sanus-Biotex for Tiger arrived. I remember being very excited that day, even though I wasn’t sure if it would work or not, I felt like I was at least trying to do something about it. Our vet put Tiger on a variety of medications, including anti-inflammatories, relaxants, and steroids (prednizone). For the past several months I have given him all of these medications exactly as prescribed and Tiger, no matter what we did, his condition kept getting worse. So I said to myself: why not? I needed to do something and I needed to do it fast.

We started Tiger at Sanus-Biotex a week before Christmas and we only hoped for the best. After all, we really had no other options… This was going to work or not… Either way, we had no other options and we really had nothing else to lose. It was always on my mind what would be the result soon if we fail. Everyone in the family was on the same page and we were all determined to help Tiger fight the disease.

For the first 2-3 weeks we didn’t see much change in Tiger and this led me to call Pet Harmonics Co. (manufacturer/distributor of Sanus-Biotex) numerous times. Maybe I just needed a little extra encouragement or maybe it was hope… I have to say that the employees at Pet Harmonics Co. were absolutely wonderful in helping me keep my spirits up and pointing me in the right direction. I even received numerous calls from the owner (Nick) who kept explaining to me that they were doing everything right and that the results they were looking for take some time. He always told me, keep doing what you’re doing and never miss a day: one day you’ll see a turning point in Tiger and things will keep getting better from then on. Honestly, I’m not so sure I would have kept using Sanus-Biotex if I hadn’t been able to talk to them every day. Even though it was driving them crazy, they really stood by me through the whole ordeal and for that I am extremely grateful.

Degenerative myelopathy treatment: signs of progress and hope for success

Anyway, we finally started to see some results around 25-30 days from the time we started the Sanus-Biotex treatments. Once this happened we were all ecstatic and as we continue to use Sanus-Biotex Tiger we keep getting better and better. my husband said, It’s like turning back the hands of time…And that’s exactly how we feel. Tiger was back to his old self and every day he seemed to improve in some other finite way and we weren’t the only ones to witness his transformation. In early February 2011 our vet saw for the first time how much better Tiger had improved in just two months. I remember thinking about what our vet had told me a few months ago and I was so happy and proud to see Tiger walk into his office with his head held high. This may sound a bit strange, but I really felt like he knew what was going on.

Our vet’s jaw dropped because he couldn’t believe the spectacular improvement Tiger had made… He literally sat down and told us how bad he felt for telling us that the disease (degenerative myelopathy) has no treatment and the only outcome you should prepare for is when you make the decision to euthanize Tiger. I truly felt that Tiger’s improvement was a miracle and as we both left the Dr. office I realized how lucky I was to stumble across the Pet Harmonics website. I know for a fact that Tiger wouldn’t be lying at my feet (actually standing at the moment), if it weren’t for Nick and the entire team at Pet Harmonics.

I did not write or publish our story about my family, myself and our beloved dog, Tiger for any reason other than to help raise awareness for Pet Harmonic Co. and Sanus-Biotex because it worked so well for us… If your Yes If you are facing a similar situation with your dog, why not take a look at Sanus-Biotex and the complete treatment program? As our family and Tiger we will always be grateful for what you have given me back. There are so many companies and businesses that do so much good for people, the community, pets, etc… That sometimes we forget to sit down and thank the people who have really helped make the world a better place and Pet Harmonics Co .along with their Sanus-Biotex is really one of these companies. I can’t thank you enough for your many hours of research, development, manufacturing, distribution, and time spent on the phone/email helping people like me. People who just need a little more encouragement to see things no matter what the obstacle. My family and myself and Tiger are so grateful for what you have done and I just wanted to tell our story and I hope I can help someone else get their dogs treated.

Note: Tiger continues to improve day by day. Remarkably, he shows no signs of the disease and we continue to use Sanus Biotex to this day. To date, I have received over 100 letters from other people across the country who started treating their dog for degenerative myelopathy with Sanus Biotex after reading my story. I would like to thank you for sharing his stories, videos and images with me. I am also very thankful that Tiger’s remarkable change is not so unique after all… It seems many more have witnessed his dogs recover in the same way and just hearing his stories makes us all proud. Tiger and me.

Thanks again for reading,

jessica warton

Palmyra, Pennsylvania

PS If you have any questions about this or anything else related to this story, feel free to email me. I would also love to hear his success stories and how Sanus-Biotex helped his dog get ahead. You can contact me here.

PPS Does your dog suffer from degenerative myelopathy? Just like Tiger… For more information or to start your dog on the best treatment for degenerative myelopathy, simply click your mouse on the link above.

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