Spades In Cartomancy – Tarot Reading with the Danger Suit and Trouble

Cartomancy is the art of divination using a common deck of cards. Spades is the suit for warning of danger and trouble ahead. Take care to learn the meanings of the various spades from a customer’s reading, or even your own.

Roots of cartomancy in the Tarot

When we think of cards and fortune telling, we thank the Tarot. In fact, modern playing cards are descended from the larger and more ornate Tarot deck. With the Major Arcana removed, except for the fool, now transformed into the modern Joker, card games became simple to mass-produce and a common pastime in most households. It stands to reason that card fortune-telling also moves to the new, simpler deck. Originally, the meanings attributed to the cards were an oral tradition, passed down from generation to generation. Later, with the advent of the printing press, these meanings were presented and printed, becoming a fixture of parlor games and of true believers in this power.

Spades and the customer card

When we do a reading for someone, we choose a card to represent them in the design. This placeholder or customer card is traditionally the King or Queen card of one of the four suits. The King of Swords is the usual card chosen to represent an older man with dark hair. Likewise, the Queen of Spades is the preferred card to represent an older, dark-haired woman for a reading. Of course, if you use a card to represent the customer in a reading, you must ignore its inherent meaning as a reading card. The new meaning of the card is to serve as a placeholder to determine the distance from other cards and their corresponding customer influences. Cards that fall next to the customer’s card have their effects increased and will tend to happen earlier than cards that fall away from the customer’s card.

The Spade suit and its meanings

Here are the common meanings of the cards in the suit of Spades. Keep in mind that Spades is warning us of worrisome influences and dangers in our lives. The Ace of Spades predicts a very emotional conflict or a failed love story. It can also predict the death of a friend of a loved one. The King of Swords calls for a meeting with an ambitious dark-haired man, he will not have your best interests at heart. The Queen of Spades predicts an encounter with a dark-haired woman who will act selfishly against you. The Jack of Spades predicts an encounter with a friend or acquaintance that is not effective in helping him; he doesn’t want to hurt, but his laziness stops him. The Ten of Spades is a general bad luck card; predicts misfortunes due to their own attitudes or actions. The Nine of Spades is the “Bad Luck” card. Predicts you failures due to events and actions beyond your control. The Eight of Spades is the Bad Wind card; warns of future problems that can still be avoided with quick action on your part.

The Seven of Spades is the “Break Up” card; predicts the loss of a friend. The Six of Spades predicts a calm of troubled waters; problems are passing and things are looking up. The Five of Spades predicts temporary setbacks and problems; it also demands ultimate success once these problems are overcome. The Four of Spades predicts problems of a personal nature; Jealousy, worry, and mild illnesses are all possible manifestations of this card. The Three of Spades predicts some kind of personal betrayal; someone has chosen not to have faith in you. Lastly, the two of spades is like the root card of the ace, but to a lesser degree. This card predicts a possible scandal and deception on the part of someone close to you. It can also predict a separation between you and someone you trust.


The Spade suit can predict potential problems and dangers for you in your life. These cards, along with the other three suits, provide clues as to where your life will take you.

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