Trade Show Secrets – Powerful Feng Shui Tips to Generate Booth Traffic

It’s showtime! You spent $$$ at your booth. You have “location, location, location.” Trade show expert John Hill showed him his “3Ps” (plan ahead, prepare and act there) and you did them all. But there still aren’t enough people hanging around long enough for you to connect and rate them.

Worse, the booth across the hall is smaller, less professional looking, and crowded. What is happening? Missing? What else can you do?

Well, have you looked at the Feng Shui of your booth?

“Wait,” I hear you say, “isn’t that Feng Shui for your home?”

Yes, it is…but try to think of the booth as a company’s home away from home. The Feng Shui rules for the success of your home and life also apply to your business.

So what can Feng Shui do? Remember, it’s the unconscious sensation that people feel when they look inside your booth that attracts them or keeps them walking. Feng shui helps you grab attention by increasing attraction ch’i (energy) and increasing the subtle magnetism that says, “Come in and let’s chat.”

I know, I know, it sounds weird. But it works and the competition will never know your secret weapon. Here are 3 trade show basics with a Feng Shui twist and 3 secret Feng Shui booth tips to get you started:


#1 I hear you knock but you can’t get in!

The most critical point in Feng Shui is the entrance or what we call the “Mouth of Ch’i”. Block it off with a table, a display shelf, or worse yet, yourself and the energy (read people) will take the path of least resistance: away from you!

Keep the entryway open, well lit, and welcoming.

#2 Advance to the other side

No matter what, let your prospect contact you. Putting them in the booth and then standing behind a table or counter is like leaving the screen door open but the front door closed. Remember, everyone starts the day with a pocket full of ch’i. Make it easy for them to spend some of that energy at your booth.

#3 Look, up in the sky! It’s a…

Did you know that it is difficult to have negative thoughts when looking up? That’s because good, positive energy or ch’i rises up. Stand upright and let the ch’i flow through your body and mind. It is not for nothing that one speaks of “thinking standing up”.


#1 Color my world…

Color is a simple tool for raising ch’i. Red is a great color for fame and attention, while green is good for growth (think plants). Add Purple for abundance and flow good ch’i.

#2 Turn on the lights!

Light is a powerful uplifting energy. Car dealerships use flood lights to attract attention from miles away. You can use spotlights and lights to highlight the symbols of the benefits that your customers can only get from you.

#3 Are you pointing that out to me?

Beware of sharp corners that “point” at someone entering. “Poison Arrows” give off danger vibes. Rounded corners to help them “flow”. You can not avoid it? Use a plant to block (extra ch’i points for green life energy).

(Just remember: light touches can be more powerful than heavy hits… too dark or too much can turn a positive into a real negative.)

Lastly, remember that the most positive welcoming energy you can get is a genuine smile. These tips and many other feng shui changes can help bring you closer to the prospect. Your smile is what will hook them.

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